Climate change solutions

ICS is committed to assisting institutions to mitigate the impacts of the global climate emergency through practical measures, energy efficiency, waste management and sustainability programs.

Services include

  • Climate action planning
  • Climate control planning
  • Storage planning
  • Application of environmental guidelines for collections
  • Carbon footprint calculation
  • Advising on sustainable exhibition materials

The ICS team is deeply committed to playing a part in the global effort to combat climate change.  Apart from managing our own company’s carbon footprint, we have the tools and expertise to support collectors in their efforts to withstand climate-related challenges and preserve valuable heritage whilst working towards Net Zero.

ICS has partnered with the Australian Museum’s Climate Solutions Centre to promote three things we can do to chart the path to a greener future:

  1. Get our own houses in order.
  2. Take a leading role in ensuring cultural heritage adapts to climate change and that we mitigate the worst effects of it.
  3. Tell good news stories of how we are creating a cleaner and more sustainable planet.

Supporting Net Zero ambitions: Our experienced consultants work with you to develop actionable mitigation strategies.  We help identify the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint, improve energy efficiency and minimise your organisation’s impact on the environment.

Identifying climate controls: To preserve collections in the long term, it's crucial to have the right climate controls in place to manage and adapt to a changing climate and extreme conditions.  Every region faces unique challenges when it comes to climate change.  Our experts can work closely with you to pinpoint the specific risks and opportunities in your area.  We assess your current infrastructure and recommend appropriate climate control measures.  We conduct consultations with stakeholders, undertake research and climate control assessments, and develop location-specific mitigation strategies and plans.

Climate-related disasters are on the rise, and being prepared is key to minimising their impact.  Whether it's floods, bushfires, or droughts, we can help you to have the right strategies and resources in place to respond effectively.

Contact us today, and let's work towards to reducing our carbon footprints, mitigate risks, implement climate controls, and prepare for whatever climate challenges lie ahead.

Firstly you have to calculate your carbon footprint to know where it currently sits and have a benchmark against which to measure reduction. That process should also identify the ‘low hanging fruit’ that can be the starting point for reducing your carbon emissions, eg recycling everything you can, turning off lights and computers when not in use, sourcing local goods

Generally these are the HVAC systems used to climate control the gallery and storage areas, followed by lighting and IT.

Carbon offsets are a means of reducing your carbon footprint by funding carbon sinks (usually by planting  trees) to ‘neutralise’ the impact of your own carbon emissions. It appears their use has  been widely abused, and the whole carbon offset industry currently has a bit of a  credibility issue.

Talk to us

Passionate about conserving art and cultural heritage

Our expert team would love to help you find solutions to your conservation and heritage needs. Get in touch today.