Strawberry Hill - Preservation Needs Assessment


National Trust of Western Australia (NTWA) engaged ICS to assess the moveable heritage collections associated with Strawberry Hill at Barmup, located in Albany in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia.

The provenanced objects at Strawberry Hill are considered vital within the Australian Heritage sector.

A disaster preparedness plan would support the case for more funding to support maintenance and improve management of collections and storage facilities.

Claire Rowson travelled to Albany in May 2023 to undertake a risk assessment of the objects on display in the extant 1836 building at Strawberry Hill that constitutes the main collection repository.




National Trust of Western Australia


  • Preventive conservation 
  • Museum and gallery services



The building spaces at Strawberry Hill were in varying states of deterioration, with collection items vulnerable to disaster by flooding and inclement weather.



Storage and risk assessments were informed by:

  • A review of existing National Trust documentation
  • Interviews with National Trust collections staff
  • Site inspections and environmental monitoring at Strawberry Hill and Osborne Park


The challenges associated with storing and displaying significant collections are well documented, and the Strawberry Hill collection is no exception to this.

After the initial assessment stage, ICS created a Preservation Needs Assessment and compiled a report with containing outcomes and recommendations.

Project Outcomes

Recommendations focussed on improving the conditions of the extant buildings, as well as the environmental conditions inside the building spaces.

Further recommendations supported the updating of collection policies and standardising management practices across the National Trust collections.

The final recommendations covered development of a disaster preparedness plan, training staff and volunteers in disaster recovery, and addressing storage requirements.

During assessment

Before treatment

During assessment

After treatment


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