Disaster Management Plan - Newcastle Art Gallery


Newcastle Art Gallery (NAG) is the city’s major cultural institution dedicated to the visual arts. The Gallery cares for a significant visual art collection comprising over 7000 objects in ceramics, painting, photography, prints and drawings, and video and new media.

In 2022 Newcastle Art Gallery closed its doors and began preparations for a major expansion. The collection was packed up for relocation to offsite storage.

ICS was commissioned to create a Disaster Management Plan to cover over 1,300 items including multi-part paintings, barks, fibre objects, works on paper, sculpture, audio visual materials, and photography.




Newcastle Art Gallery


  • Disaster planning and recovery
  • Museum and gallery services



Purpose of the plan

The Disaster Management Plan provides information and procedures to ensure the safety of the collection whilst in temporary storage. It details how staff should respond to disasters that may impact the collection, how to advise storage contractors in the event of a disaster, and ultimately how to manage the ongoing recovery of collection items.


Developing the plan

A detailed risk assessment is carried out to determine potential and ongoing threats to the collection. The assessment then informs the recommendations made to mitigate risks identified.

Plan outcomes

The disaster plan identifies a clear step-by-step process for responding to a disaster, including how to prioritise damaged  items to ensure the best outcome.

The Disaster Plan is to be stored in a hard copy form, as well as being electronically accessible for collection staff and the storage supplier.

Before treatment

After treatment


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