ANU Outdoor Sculpture Collection


The ANU’s collection of outdoor sculptures are spread across the ANU campus and form an integral part of the University’s cultural landscape.

The collection includes works from Australian artists such as Fiona Foley, Bert Flugelman, Michael Le Grand, Inge King, Geoffrey Bartlett and many others.

The ANU sought to carry out a comprehensive review of its sculpture to understand the condition of the collection and ongoing maintenance requirements.  The University also required clear documentation for their   ongoing management. This assessment by ICS provided integral support for the ANU to manage the relocation of works within areas slated for redevelopment.




Australian National University (ANU)


  • Public art surveys



Project Activities

An audit and condition assessment was carried out for a total of 69 outdoor artworks. Set criteria were used in the assessments to determine condition, risk, treatment urgency, significance and priority. The results of the assessment revealed a significant proportion had urgent or serious issues that required attention.

Artworks with significant risks were identified, including relocation recommendations for three artworks.



  • Provided a comprehensive management plan
  • Detailed audit and condition assessment for every artwork
  • Identified significant and high-priority artworks
  • Developed a detailed maintenance plan with recommendations for treatment, with estimated costs
  • Recommendations for mitigation and/or relocation measures in relation to planned redevelopment by the University
  • Documentation on contact details for moral rights holder for each artwork in relation to major future maintenance or capital works
  • Photo documentation of sculptures as well as identification of key details or issues for future reference
  • Developed an acquisition template for the ANU to record details such as materials, true colours, maintenance requirements, installation etc. that can also be provided to artists or makers

Before treatment

After treatment


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