Julian Bickersteth AO

Chief Executive Officer


  • 1982 - Diploma in Conservation, West Dean College
  • 1979 - MA Theology, Oxford University



  • IIC International Institute for Conservation - President 
  • AICCM Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material - Professional Member and Chair
  • Environmental Standards Taskforce
  • ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee - President 2010-2018
  • National Trust of Australia (NSW ) - Chair, Museums & Galleries Committee
  • ADFAS (Australian Decorative and Fine Art Societies) - President
  • The David Roche Foundation - Chair, Board of Directors
  • Antarctic Heritage Trust of New Zealand - Artefact Conservation Adviser
  • Eryldene Historic House - Board member
  • Honorary conservator
  • Royal Society for the Arts - Fellow
  • Technical Advisory Group, Heritage Office (NSW) - Member
  • AusHeritage Ltd - Director

Julian is a key founding member of ICS and has served as a driving force behind the company since its inception in 1991. International Conservation Services was first conceived to provide materials conservation to the substantial collections held outside of public collecting institutions – ensuring material was restored and conserved to museum standards. Under his guidance it has become the premier company for the conservation of art and heritage in the country serving both private and state institutions as well as private clients.

From his early days as a material conservator at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Julian has always had a strong affiliation with conservation and has worked to establish a company that is conversant in the broader aspects of conservation and how it relates to allied disciplines.

Julian’s key experience revolves around working on projects where there is a conservation component of a broader heritage issue.  His expertise is deep and wide-ranging, extending from a very broad knowledge of material conservation issues to collection management, architectural conservation and heritage policy creation.



Executive Team

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Passionate about conserving art and cultural heritage

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