Claire Rowson

State Manager WA


  • 2018 - Master of Cultural Materials Conservation (Hons 1), University of Melbourne
  • 2010 - Fine Arts Honours, University of Western Australia
  • 2009 - Bachelor of Arts, University of Western Australia



  • TICCIH The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage
  • PNS Perth Numismatic Society
  • Royal Artillery Historical Society of Western Australia

Claire is the head of ICS Perth and works on remedial conservation treatments in the Joondanna studio, as well as larger site-specific conservation projects, encompassing broader and more strategic heritage concerns impacting the state of Western Australia.

Claire manages and undertakes technical aspects of conservation and project management. Her areas of specialisation include, public art and sculpture conservation, risk assessment, built and industrial heritage, and metal conservation and fabrication. As a 2019 fellow of the International Specialised Skills Institute, Claire is a passionate advocate for the industrial and numismatic heritage of Australia and heritage craft and trade skills more broadly.



ICS Perth

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