5 Minutes with Doug Rogan



Aug 23, 2023


mins read

ICS People


What is your current role at ICS and what does that entail?

I am the Director of Museum and Gallery Services and oversee the technology solutions ICS delivers to this sector.

This involves maintaining a deep relationship with many colleagues throughout the Museum and Art Gallery world, particularly in Australia and NZ.  I aim to keep abreast of the big issues facing the sector, especially as it relates to managing collections. We then offer sensible solutions to these problems based on the latest industry thinking and our years of experience.

How did you get into conservation and what are your specialties?

I graduated as a botanist in Auckland, and my first job was at Auckland Museum in the Herbarium.  That gave me an excellent grounding in all things museological, especially collections management, databases (CMS’), and the use of technology in a museum environment.  My science background and computer experience were a natural fit for moving more into museum collection management, and this is the area I specialised in while working in museums.  After leaving Auckland Museum I joined Canterbury Museum to implement a new CMS, and to establish a new Collection Services Division.  I was fortunate enough to be exposed to a variety of roles at Canterbury, including General Manager, Security Manager, along with managing Collection Services.  There was a lot of project management in this role, and I also worked closely with the Antarctic Heritage Trust, which ultimately led me to join ICS.

Everyone has a part of the job they are passionate about – their first love, what is yours?

It’s a bit nerdy, but the reason I focus on collection management is that I am a tad fixated on getting collections organised and in order.  This probably stems from my botanical and taxonomic background.  This can include getting storage conditions right, but also documentation (databases), digitisation, access (physical and digital), etc. What I’m really excited about is the potential for AI to unlock collections and make all sorts of new ways of looking at and using collections possible.

I also really enjoy providing useful advice and delivering successful projects to clients.  One thing I get a kick out of is going back to see a client several years after delivering a report, or a project, and finding that the recommendations I made have been implemented and have made a meaningful improvement to how they work.

What have been your top 3 favourite projects?

The projects that mean the most are normally ones that are very challenging to deliver but end up with a great result that makes a significant positive difference for the client.  There are many that meet this criteria, but the most memorable ones (more than 3!) are:

  • ANU Nolan mural hang (66 copper plates that had to be hung precisely)
  • OPH Fire remediation project
  • AHT Shackleton’s Hut site visit to kick-start the conservation program
  • Duntroon House refurbishment project
  • South Eveleigh Railway Workshops
  • AGNSW Sydney Modern Fortecho installation.

Interests outside of work?

My small farm – growing (and processing) olives, grapes and fruit trees, sheep, chickens, alpacas.  And two mad dogs.  Also doing up/keeping going a couple of older cars with my son.

Have just completed a big 5-week trip to Europe with my wife (as she’d never been).

Squash – playing competitively in Canberra and Yass, and for ACT Masters.  Both my kids play and I enjoy playing both of them as well.

Climate Change – very engaged with all of the science around climate change, and the parlous state we’re in.  I read widely on the topic, and I try to be sustainable where possible – have installed many solar panels and purchased an electric car but I’m well aware that there is a lot more all of us need to do on this front – but especially holding elected representatives to account.

Final thoughts

I love the incredibly varied nature of the work we get to do at ICS and am well aware of the privilege that we have to work with the amazing heritage objects, buildings, etc that we get entrusted with.  Everyone who works in our industry is passionate about what they do, and none more so than my fellow ICS people.  This passion comes from the top (Julian) and his never-ending energy and optimism for the cultural sector is infectious.  It’s why I’ve stayed at ICS for over 20 years, and why I’m looking forward to being part of its growth and development over the next 20.



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